Sunday 15 September 2013


Never have I thought time would pass by so fast. Trite to say that? Maybe, but it's certainly true. I'm not going to tell you all my Project Trust memoirs now, so don't worry. I'm not that old.
People often ask me the same questions. Purely out of interest, so I know they ask it with good intentions. Though, after telling numerous times I am indeed excited to go overseas, I want to go even more. For more than 3/4 year I've wanted to do this and for more than 1/2 year I know I'm going. There's litteraly nothing I want more, than to go now.

I'm not going to make any statements of missing things, or people. When I'm asked what I'm going to miss the most, I jokingly say things like my bedroom door, or the streetlight in front of my house. Truth is: I have no idea. Of course, I'll miss my own home, my parents, my brother and my friends. To predict you're going to miss something now, and worrying about that, is like saying the Dutch national football team will become world champion. Probably sometime, but I have no idea when. 

I'll be honest, I've feared worrying. Did it, hated it, never again.

Time for happy topics. Let's begin Dutch. The weather in Durban (which is nearby Tongaat, where I'll be living) is quiet good. Temperatures above 20 degrees: I like that.
Also, I've talked with my partner via Facebook. He said the kids are easy to get along with, which is opposed to what we feared. Go Boys Town boys!

I have no topics to talk about now. So yeah. Here I'm sitting now. Said goodbye to my best friend at Schiphol over a week ago, other friends followed last week... Goodbye my family, goodbye my neighborhood. Man, I'm starting to look like James Blunt. I prefer to end this blog like a different singer though.



(hop hop hop hop)
(love that song)
